Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Beach: Day 1, baby E edition

Thus continues my beach adventure. We finally arrived at the beach! I did "car magic" and slept most of the way there so we got there super quick. The 'rents were quite grateful for my nap. My super brother was occupied with his friend, Z's, car DVD player. I'm not sure who's more of a fan of that thing, him, or the 'rents. I've heard a rumor they may purchase one as soon as we get home.

This is our fab condo. It's the perfect size for us. I get to sleep, as I am accustomed, in the 'rents room in my pack-n-play (haha - they always set that thing up. I don't know why though since I always make them see reason about why my place is actually in their bed. Silly adults.) and my brother has his own cool room. I can't wait til I'm big enough for us to share that cool room. I'm sure the 'rents will miss me, but they'll just have to deal.

My brother was very anxious to get to the beach. I didn't know what it was and didn't care what we did, as long as I didn't have to get back in that carseat. I'm way over that thing.

Oh yeah. I'm totally learning to crawl. This is how ya do it. Ya stick your face into the flor, stick your butt up high, then push with your toes. I call it the inchworm. It's most effective and adorable.

My brother, as I mentioned before, was very excited to see the beach, so we headed there after dinner. He was twitching he was so excited. And he loved it. Me? Well, I don't so much get his excitement. I really don't know what all the fuss is about. It's kinda loud and windy. It's just as good a place for a nap as anywhere else, I guess.

My brother, you know, loves sticks. And he found a big one.

Momma said this was just what she'd been waiting for, like for the last year since she and Poppa planned this trip. She seems to like having her feet in the sand and ocean. I don't get it. Dude, that water is COLD!!! But whatev'. To each his, or her, own, I suppose.

Til next time...

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