Monday, July 16, 2012

The Kid Learns to Ride

Yup. He did it. He learned to ride that bike without the training wheels. After all the good advice everyone gave us. The words of wisdom. The words of encouragement to say to him. Of how to help him learn to balance. Of where to let him practice. Of what to let him ride on (training wheels vs. no training wheels, the balance buddy).

None of it worked, though.

Do you know what the magic trick was that convinced my boy to ride his bike all by himself? It was a chocolate cupcake. Or rather the promise of said cupcake after the demonstration of independent bike riding skills. You know who made that bribe, er, promise to my sweet boy? My mother. That's right. Apparently what really works to get my kid riding is the promise from his Gram of a cupcake, a chocolate one.

He is my child. Of that there is no doubt.

Today's Lesson: I don't care what people say, bribes are darn effective and have their place in parenting. Note to self - I now have to make good on that bribe it seems. Just a new bike. No biggie, right? Also, this bribing thing I apparently learned from my mother.


Rebecca Hawkes said...

Ha, ha! You just never know what it's going to be! My hubs and I tried _everything_ to get our second riding. No luck. Then one day I looked out in the driveway and her sister (one year older) was teaching her. Five minutes tops and she was off!

Alex said...

So funny! Congrats to kid!!! Can I have a chocolate cupcake???

Emms said...

Hey, I don't blame him for doing it for a chocolate cupcake. If I rise without training wheels can I get one too?!

Anonymous said...

Congrats to the kid!
My younger brother was potty-trained for Oreos (his first word was chocolate, lol) and my older brother was hotwheel cars. You gotta find what they love ;).

Elizabeth said...

Love it- that's great! I'm all for bribery in moderation- ha!