Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Truck Dreams

We were driving down a road in our neighborhood, on the way to my mom's house. We were in this massive red truck. The boys were in the backseat. Hubby wad driving along with this huge smile on his face.

And I. Was. Livid. He'd just shown up with this truck, all proud of himself. Hadn't talked to me first about this enormous purchase. Where was this money supposed to come from???!!!!!

We pulled up in front of my mom's house and I saw his Cam.ery sitting in her yard with a "for sale" sign in the window, another sign stuck in the yard. My anger, if it was even possible, increased significantly. I grabbed that yard sale and, with all I had, slung it across the yard.

I wanted scream and yell and pummel him with my fists. I was beyond furious. I couldn't come up with even one word, my anger was so intense.

And then, well, I woke up. 

My hubby has a dream of getting a truck. Now, it just ain't gonna happen for several reasons. But still he yearns. One night last week I dreamed he had gotten that truck. And, poor fella, I was still so angry when I woke up that I could hardly talk to him.

I can laugh about it now. But it took over an hour.

Poor, hubby. Sorry I was cranky with you about that. You're still not getting that truck, though...

Today's Lesson: Poor hubby gets in trouble for things he doesn't even do.


Elizabeth said...

Oh I can so relate. My husband is such a truck guy. He has one, but it's not his "dream" truck. He's constantly talking about the one he wants. Ummm....not going to happen!

Alex said...

I've done the same thing - woken up mad at hubs for something he did in my sleep. They can't win, can they...

E. Phantzi said...

I've had that happen to me too! Not about trucks but other stuff - woke up feeling mad because I had a dream about a fight with my husband. It does fade though :-)

JustHeather said...

OMG! I've done the same thing with my hubby too. I had a dream where he made me mad/upset and I took it out on him when I woke up. Poor guys! LOL

Jenn and Casey said...


Emms said...

I am laughing so hard right now. Poor guy lol.