Saturday, March 31, 2012

The Health Activist Writer's Month Challenge

The Health Activist Writer's Month Challenge (HAWMC) is an online writing workshop for people in the health blogger community. I figure I (oh so very) loosely fit into that community as I do blog about infertility, which is certainly a health issue. I also write about other health issues such as breastfeeding, baby wearing, attachment parenting, baby led weaning, and post-adoption depression, to name a few. Now, they may not be traditional health issues (like cancer, or diabetes, or autism), but there's no rule that says you have to have a "traditional" focus here. So, I'm in.

Basically, the goal is to blog every day for the whole month of April, with an overall focus on health. Now, I usually blog every 2-3 days, so this will certainly be a challenge for me. I'll be honest, I'm cheating and have pre-written some of the posts already. What? This girl has a busy life and some days just don't include time for blogging, so I took advantage of time when I had it to lower my own stress (lookie there - another health issue!).Also, I tend to babble on about what pops into my head that day. So, focusing (however loosely) on health, may also be challenging.

So, if you're interested in more info about HAWMC, or want to participate, here's a link to the info.

Good luck to me!

Today's lesson: It's good to be challenged. I think.


M said...

I'm glad you're blogging about these health issues. They tend to get overlooked!

marwil said...

Interesting and very important to spread the health issues regarding Infertility.Good luck!