Monday, July 12, 2010

Babies, babies everywhere...

Some days I struggle. I know I've said before that babies and pregnant women don't bother me, and that is certainly the case the vast majority of the time. Lately, though, I find myself surrounded. Surrounded by babies (the twins, the freaking monkeys, lol), but mostly surrounded by pregnant women. They seem to be everywhere in my life right now - at work (2 out of the 8 of the people I work with are pregnant), in my neighborhood (there are at least 2 I see regularly), in my family, in my outer social circle, etc.... I guess I'm just at that age where a lot of people in my world are pregnant. Or maybe I'm just noticing it more. Maybe, but really I do think it's just more people in my non-professional world are havin' babies right now. I went with someone to do her baby registry yesterday. I'm glad I was there to support her and wittiness her joy. It was really a bit torturous for me though. Maybe not the best call on my part, to offer to go with her.

And it's not that I want to be pregnant. I really have made peace with the fact that it isn't going to happen. I think it really has to do with this ridiculously long wait and just wanting my baby NOW. Most of the pregnant women in my life are due in a 3 month span, starting in about a month. I'm really not sure how I'll handle it if all those babies are born before our baby arrives. I feel like it may be ugly, like I may be ugly. I'm not sure how to prepare for this likelihood.

Today's lesson isn't related at all to all my drama (yay, right?). So, here it is...bananas are pretty effective at stopping the itching of mosquito bites. You just rub the inside of the peel on the bite. It stops the itching and even decreases the swelling. Yeah, you smell like a banana, but there are, in my opinion, a lot worse things you could smell like...


Sarah said...

The baby #2 wait is hard. Not as hard as the one for baby #1, but we are starting to think of #2 as well and I hate being back in that "wait and see" place. Being infertiles like we are, it makes it much more complicated that just tossing the birth control! I just hate the stress and have so enjoyed the last two years of not having to look to the future and ask "what if" and "why"...

Also, I hate banana's. HATE. but handy tip for everyone else!

Becky said...

So funny! I just posted a comment on your post about baby #2.
The waiting, the complete lack of control about it all, is the worst for me. I hate it!