Thursday, November 17, 2011

The First Report Card

We got the kid's first report card yesterday. I didn't have high expectations. But it was even worse than I could have guessed. That teacher, oh that teacher!!!!!!!!!!!!! She had the NERVE to say that my kid's vocabulary isn't age appropriate. As in, it's below grade level. MY KID, y'all! Anyone who's ever met him knows how absolutely ridiculous and fictitious this assertion is. I mean, this kid was saying things such as "I am not available to you" when he was less than 2. He has a more expansive vocabulary today than many adults I know. My child, went through a rhyming phase when he was 2, where, really, he seemed to talk in rhymes all day long. She is claiming that his ability to rhyme is "an area of concern". These are only two examples. Nearly everything on that darn report card was marked as an "area of concern". I can barely contain my rage.

At the appointment with the pediatrician last week, the pediatrician agreed with me that something needs to happen. While she would have preferred that we just demand he be moved to a different class, I wanted to do everything we could to prevent that, to minimize any further disruption. Thus the 504 plan. I'd put off calling the counselor as I'd planned because I started reconsidering, thinking perhaps I was overreacting. As I've mentioned before, I don't want to be one of those parents.

Well, eff it. I'm over it and will be calling the counselor to set up a meeting first thing today. I am tired of this teacher and her shananigans. I am tired of her telling me that my child doesn't know squat. I'm tired of her making him feel inadequate. I am tired of him coming home, sad-faced, unable to tell me anything good about his day. I'm over it and I am OVER this woman. Things will get better. They will. My baby will love school again. He will come come bubbling with excitement about what he learned, or what he did that day. He will smile when talking about school. He will laugh and smile all the time again. He will walk around lighter, not like the weight of the world is on his little shoulders. He will feel successful and confident once again. Whether or not that woman is there to see it.

Today's lesson - beware of pissing off  the momma bear. That is all.


Lauren said...

You go!!! I'm one of THOSE parents and proud of it!

Anonymous said...

You are of course totally justified in your rage. However, unless this lady is a total loooooser, then keep in mind that she sees him in one setting, whereas you see him in another. Perhaps he does not perform for her for a myriad of reasons. Figure out why she is so concerned about your obviously bright son. The biggest problem here is that there is such an apparent disconnect between what she sees and what you see. Approach logically! It could be a learning experience for all those involved.

Emms said...

Go get em mama bear! I hope the call went well, and I hope the meeting goes great. I'll be anxiously awaiting a post on it!

kerri said...

wow. go get her mama. sounds like she has some major issues... so sorry you and your boy have to deal with this!

Lindsay (Compton) Roark said...

I am sorry to hear that girl! I know he was always happy and very talkative at school with Caramia. It is a big adjustment for him I am sure, that attitude from a teacher sure doesn't help either! If only public schools functioned like Montessori I think our kids would be so much better off :) Much love and luck to you and your family!

prezdj said...

That lady is a very dumb lady! The kids vocab is outer worldly for a child his age. You have every right to go momma bear, teachers like that are why I was homeschooled for 3 years! Much love to you an my buddy!!